14-17/02/2013 FeHoVa CACIB Budapest (H)

14/02/2013 Judge: Ferenc Gröschl (H)
Achilleus Brill Padme made a nice surprise again: He got Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB and BOB prizes in intermediat class.
Thanks for the very good review of the judge! Thanks Achilleus!

15/02/2013 Judge: Pálné Bánhidi (H)
Achilleus Brill Padme in intermediate class achieve excellent 1, CAC, ResCACIB titles.
Thanks and congrats!

17/02/2013 Judge: Gyula Sárközy (H)
A successful day again! Achilleus Brill Padme became excellent 1, CAC, CACIB in intermediate class!
Playpoint Finnish Kiss in champion class became excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, and BOB !!!

Thanks for the good reviews and also many thanks for our dogs!

Translation: Hungarian

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